Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Product

My product would probably be improving my skills as an artist. Comparing how my artistic abilities were prior to senior project and how they are now, you can really see the improvement.

This one was back in 2005, so its pretty bad. No formation at all. It's seriously looks like a 7 year old drew it... I was 11. 

This one is a little more recent, 2011. This picture is the same character as the first. You can tell that there is definitely some big improvement, but it still looks like it could use alot of work. The shading is horrible here and I did pretty much only the face. I was really limiting myself on this one...whereas this...

was just drawn today. I've gotten better with adding detail and shades to pictures I draw. My proportion has definitely improved, but it does still need some work. (The hand under his arm was suppose to be longer, but I just couldn't get it to look right)
I've also challenged myself more as an artist. Until recently, all of my drawings have been individual characters. I was always scared to draw groups of people because it looked too difficult, but after gaining  better confidence in my artistic abilities, I gave it a shot and it turned out pretty well. 

Of course, the shading and proportion could be adjusted better...

I have also been making progress with animations. I've been able to make flipbooks work pretty well, in a smooth enough motion to make the picture seem lifelike. I have also been trying out some trials of animation apps and even though they aren't smooth at all, its still a start. 

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