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· Pio Ravago (512) 554-3451
What is the most important thing you gained from this experience? Why?
I've learned how to use photoshop for parts to the animation process. I've learned to use color values when coloring pictures and showing shadows on them. Thanks to this experience, I an able to see how animators work on the color scheme and details of their characters and backgrounds. My uncle has shown me a few techniques, although, some takes a lot of patience which I need to practice, with how he creates detail when designing characters. I've also become familiar with photoshop, I have never used it prior to service learning and I've learned of more programs I should try out such as 3D Max.
How did what you did help you answer your EQ? Please explain.
Learning under my uncle's guidance really contributed to seeing the importance of color and using value in art. Even in my 2nd independent component I'm learning this. However, as much as I know it is important in art, I don't think it could be consider one of my answer. Color does contribute to character emotion to the animation, however, I don't think that its too important. I've seen a few animation in black and white and they still seem to be very well done.
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